Ashley Christensen Wolthuis, a Certified Residential Appraiser on the FHA roster, is the founder and president of Element Appraisal, a northern Utah real estate valuation firm, specializing in residential properties in Weber, Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, Utah, Cache, Tooele and Box Elder Counties. If you are looking for an appraiser with experience in appraising a variety of different types of properties, with the knowledge and skill base required to handle complex valuation questions, you have found the right appraiser. She is often hired by top real estate attorneys and top producing agents in the area due to her unmatched work ethic, research procedures and breadth of experience in determining the true value of a property.
Ashley's appraisals have served many purposes including: divorce, refinancing, remodeling, buying/selling transactions, relocation, bankruptcy, estate planning, litigation, retrospective appraisals, tax matters, private financing/investing, accounting, eminent domain, right-of-ways and pre-listing appraisals.
Ashley also provides expert witness testimony, arbitration, litigation support, financial analysis, feasibility, and other real estate valuation consulting services.
An appraisal from Element Appraisal can help you make informed decisions regarding your real estate properties.